Sunday, October 22, 2006


Friday night was a celebration for renee and mel's b-day... unfortunately i was late but zion is important to me... sorry for all the times i had missed out; it's all b/c of schulich! Anyways picked up fabi and met her bf. We had to pay cover but then it was alright because then i wasn't obligated to buy their food which was $$... drinks were around 10 bucks. Narsty... anyways fabi and i just had our pineapple juice! There were about 15 people and the night was fun; though i hardly call this place a jazz bar and was disappointed. Just because you have a live band doens't mean you can call yourself a jazz bar... The first 2 songs were more modern jazz pieces but after that it was like old school, with some hip hop and RandB... it reminded me of SKITZ in HK but still below par! Anyways many interesting things happened hmmm but no comment except for the fact that i enjoyed myself and was especially happy to see all the faces that i never see at school! It was a great reunion. But still midterms coming up and still more studying...


Blogger bt said...

ooooooh JAZZ fingers

5:47 AM  

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