Sunday, October 15, 2006

Gable's 21st B-day

Haha an exciting day for Gable.. this post is so old but his b-day was sept 21st, it's not almost one month later that i post about it... anyways, i felt bad because school well just intro to tax is killing me so we celebrated gable's b-day late but it was SOOO FUN! BOWLING AND DEMETRI's... i also made him a nice home-made apron for when he cooks (obviously) i have no pictures of the present but let's just say it looks like a project made by a grade 6 student for family studies... gone terribly wrong! Tiff saw it so if you want details ask her because i have no more comments about it.


Blogger tiffany said...

i thought the apron was a masterpiece!

(well... much better than anything i could have done, anyway :p )

8:08 PM  

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