Saturday, January 13, 2007

Melody's Christmas dinner - post exams

Twister is fun!

My first entry of 2007... but regarding 2006

Well what can i say, exams blow and time went by too quick. The winter break is done and i'm back in school: 2nd semester a.k.a my last semester officially! I have summer school and i'll be taking 4 extra courses to finish up my CA 51 credit requirements but i'll be ALUMI... actually from Gilmour Girls the correct term is ALUMNUS (singular)... i think many are misguided or it could be just me!

Anyways Melody's party served the purpose of a post exam celebration and it was great... i went early to Fairview Mall to meet her so i could help her with drinks/food and it was amazing to just talk/chit-chat without worries of school, homework, assignments, work... and we had lunch together talking and talking. We wanted to go to this sushi place at midland and finch ... after 4 years i still don't know the place but i love it because the people there are extremely nice and we always get free stuff + its cheap. Bulgogi for $4.99 and you get all those little side dishes.
But unfortunately the place was PACKED and it is such a tiny place (only can hold about 20 ppl max) and so we settled for viet noodles next door... busy pho but at least it wasn't dirty pho!

Anyways here are some pics of the food, the ppl... a very warm and fun celebration


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