Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I have been a GO BUS commuter for 4 years now and you would think the virtue of kindness and consideration exist or at least improve over the years, but reality always puts us back INTO REALITY and of course once in a while you get those rude, "i'm worthy of 2 seats on the bus because look at all these things i'm carrying" type of people.

After my tax lecture which i get out right at 2:30pm, i immediately ran to the bus stop in hopes of catching the 2:30 bus and it was great because that run was worth it: for my heart/exercise and for the sake of not having to wait another 15 minutes. The bus was nearly full with probably 4-5 seats remaining and i like to sit at the front of the bus so i can get out quick. So this one girl was reading some notes or something and she sat on the aisle seat ... i'm pretty sure she thought like most people that "If i sit on the aisle, i have a better chance of having 2 seats; and i don't have to share with anyone and in the end i have more space...etc." Sometimes I wonder: Why the heck do you ppl sit on the aisle seat and pretend to be so preoccupied when they know others who are walking on to the bus need a seat. Why not sit by the window so you don't have to move... Well i had to ask her the stupid question to keep my composure: "is anyone sitting there?" Of course i knew no one was... and she grunted and said NO! and moved aside. Well... i'm sorry for imposing on your precious space where you ended up putting your notes away after 2 minutes to sleep... gosh why are people so inconsiderate; I TOO paid the $135 a month to ride this bus. I was actually going to be a smart ass and say exactly what i thought but as everyone knows i'm usually all talks! I wouldn't have any face afterwards.


Blogger tiffany said...

that's why you have to be like us ttc commuters! if the person doesn't move after you've been standing in front of them for two seconds, you just go ahead and wedge yourself into the empty seat. no need to ask -- but since you're a sweetheart, you were probably just trying to extend that girl some courtesy (unlike how she behaved towards you).

on the plus side, i assume that you're commuting with other uni students since you're on the go bus. on the ttc, you have to contend with high school students {shudder} who are rude and annoyingly think that they are cool b/c they swear a lot and talk loudly about how drunk they got over the weekend. idiots.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have just taken the seat...the sociological principle or norm of typical bus behaviour is first come first served - no save-sies!

Ang :)

8:52 PM  

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