Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I'm still trying to figure out things with this blog and playing around with all the options available.. so you'll have to bear with me...

Anyways, this day seems to drag: I'm not sure what to do. I'm glad that I get to rest but the waiting is killing me. I'm glad that I'll be seeing Tiff today: i'm sooo sorry that i forgot to call TIFF! Please forgive me! Yesterday my mom and I made a feast for my grandma and my aunt/uncle. Soo much food, it was incredibe... and my aunt made deep fried WONTON! those are soooo good.

After dinner i went to have some 2nd cup (oh i will miss 2nd cup) with my sister and Gable. It was fun, talked about a plan to get my brother more active this summer so that he's not always on the computer... haha I know melody knows what i mean.

Friday is Friend's Nite @ Zion... i wish i was going to be there... sometimes i picture myself going to a Chinese speaking church in HK... not to be rude, but i think i would rather sleep in... let's see how it goes...!

- mei


Blogger tiffany said...

hon, it was so wonderful seeing you today :) gonna miss you lots!

promise me that you'll blog regularly so that we'll know what's going in your life?

p.s. YAY TACB!

8:49 PM  
Blogger bt said...

yes. you better blog this baby up!!

i heart TACB!!

4:32 AM  

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