Friday, September 29, 2006

always the bridesmaid

Present from tiff, ben and i... tiff did a great job
more presents...
Thank you thomas cook for all the pics
Our homemade thank you present
Tiff made us customized tanks!!

It's been a while since i've written... been so busy during this summer and i finally got some pictures to show even though they are little out of date.

My sister's bridal shower went really well, and i have to say that TCB deserves outstanding credit for our decorations and my mom deserves a pat on the back for all the beautiful food she cooked. We played icebreaker games: purse checklist type of game where we read out random items that would be found in your purse and whoever finds it first gets points that lead up to a prize. We also played a bunch of question games where we asked allison questions regarding how much she knows about Drew and viceversa... we already had answers from Drew prior to the game... the resulting wrong answers = shot of malibu or marshmellow (Chubby Bunny game)

Overall it was fun and it was another reunion for TACB!


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