Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Exchange is Officially Over but the vacation continues...

The oldest security guard at HKUST - knows every party story of each exchange/local student
The senior superintendent @ New hall (my dormitory)
The Cashier/Manager at Grab and Go - Maxium (My breakfast and Lunch place)
wow i haven't written in my blog in the longest time... well from the time of the farewell dinner it was crazy studying-in-the-library time... even for us exchange students... actually this is the most crucial time for us X students because the theory goes that we haven't been doing much except for partying and hanging out with friends so finals are the time to really make sure you don't just marginally pass... well that is the objective of some, but not my group of friends. I have to say that ECON 311 was exactly what i expected it to be... exchange students will poor micro and macroeconomic background, lax prof who "says" he won't be generous and last year and in the end no matter how badly you fail on the midterm you somehow end up with a B?? How is this possible... we all are so happy we dont' ask questions, we just celebrate.

Here are some farewell goodbye pictures... enjoy.

I'm in BC right now, tomorrow off to Alberta and in July off to Winnipeg and then to Cuba in August so even though exchange is over the travelling around Canada continues... may not be as exotic but travelling is travelling... it's who you are with and not where you are going!


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