HELL WEEK BEGINS! Bonus: random pics
Not sure why i'm putting this particular picture up of tacb ... i can't remember if i showed any pictures of my sister's wedding reception... maybe because i had such a great time at benita's b-day sushi night that i can't help but just look at old TACB PICTURES. I can't wait until we meet up again... this monthly get-together is great now that we are ALL in town! HEHE but it will only last until September (well tentatively speaking... it depends on many other variables...)
Anyways why does YorkU have to have their reading week so darn early... earliest of all Canadian universities. We start early get our holidays early i guess on a positive note, we end exams earlier than most universities... or perhaps just UofT.
This week:
- Tax assignment #2 - estimated time spent on the assignment 15-20 hours NO LIES!
- Advanced Accounting Assignment #2
- Contemp Issues ACTG Assignment #2
- Italian Quiz (congiuntivo imperfetto)
- Italian Presentation (il mio viaggio a Hong Kong e delle situazioni cross-culturali)
... nothing for drugs and behaviour because all the sections just had their midterm (after 3 weeks we have a midterm... crazy, but it's a bird course; just memorize memorize memorize... nothing abstract)
Thanks TIFF for teaching me some basic bio/chem... "a cell membrane is lipid soluable" except it wasn't really tested...
i'm going to put some random pics for fun... part of procrastination... i should be doing that tax assignment